Image Source: QNHS Facebook Page
Image Source: QNHS Facebook Page
Image Source: UNTV
by Ranella Garay
DepEd elaborated to parents and guardians the genuine aims and mission of the mplementation of the K-12 program, stressing the misconceptions and concerns of said individuals.
According to DepEd Assistant Secretary Jesse Mateo, the number of the beneficiaries that can be obtained overshadow the anticipated disadvantage of the said addition to the curriculum.
K-12 was claimed to be a guide for moving-up students in what career they would like to pursue and be successful on in the near future.
Though deemed useless and a nuisance, Mateo stated that the implementation of K-12 will surely lessen the percentage of out-of-school youths and drop-out students.
Mateo admitted the lack of facilities and staff needed in the curriculum addition but stated that the department is already working on the issue for an easier flow of the curriculum.